Councillor Discretionary Funds 2024/2025

This is a preview of the Councillor Discretionary Funds 2024-2025 form. When you’re ready to apply, click Fill Out Now to begin.

1. Councillor's Discretionary Funding Application

* indicates a required field.

Before you continue:

You will need to fully understand the guidelines for the Councillor Discretionary Funds to make sure your organisation's application has the best chance of getting funded.

Please review the Councillor Discretionary Funds Guidelines before commencing your application. You may also like to look at the resources 'Grant Writing Tips'  and 'Sample Budget Fact Sheet' available on Council's Funding and Support webpage. 

1.1 Is the applicant a Not-for-Profit organisation / Group / Club or Registered Charity (includes Churches and School P&Cs) * Required

This section is not applicable because of your response to question: "1.1 Is the applicant a Not-for-Profit organisation / Group / Club or Registered Charity (includes Churches and School P&Cs)" on page 1

As you answered No to Q1.1 - your organisation is INELIGIBLE for funding.

Please contact the Community Funding and Support Team at or phone (07) 3810 6648 to discuss further.

This section is not applicable because of your response to question: "1.1 Is the applicant a Not-for-Profit organisation / Group / Club or Registered Charity (includes Churches and School P&Cs)" on page 1

Please use your organisation's full name. Check your spelling and make sure you provide the same name that is listed in official documentation such as with the Australian Business Register, Australian Charities and Not-For-Profit Commission or Australian Tax Office.

2. Project Details (Not Applicable)

This section is not applicable because of your response to question: "1.1 Is the applicant a Not-for-Profit organisation / Group / Club or Registered Charity (includes Churches and School P&Cs)" on page 1

Provide the title for your project/event. Your title should be short but descriptive.
2.2 Is your project a facility upgrade? * Required


  • What will you do and what activities are involved?
  • Who will be involved?
Please include details of what you will do (i.e. what activities are involved), and the outcomes you expect your project to achieve. Go to the Funding Centre's Answers Bank at if you need some ideas about how to frame your response.
You can select items from any column – all have equal value. Only select sub-categories if you want to be more specific.
Select a category or child-category.

No more than 3 choices may be selected. You can select items from any area of the list – all have equal value. Only select sub-categories if you want to be more specific. In this question we want to know about the field of work (e.g. arts, sport, health), rather than the types of people it will affect (e.g. young people, refugees)
You can select items from any column – all have equal value. Only select sub-categories if you want to be more specific.
Select a category or child-category.

No more than 3 choices may be selected. Please choose only the group/s that are at the very core of this project/program
Must be a number. 

How does your project align with Council's strategic outcomes and metrics? (Not Applicable)

This section is not applicable because of your response to question: "1.1 Is the applicant a Not-for-Profit organisation / Group / Club or Registered Charity (includes Churches and School P&Cs)" on page 1

For further information, please see Council's iFuture Corporate Plan 2021-2026, Community Development Strategy and/or the Active Ipswich Strategy.

Outcomes (Not Applicable)

This section is not applicable because of your response to question: "1.1 Is the applicant a Not-for-Profit organisation / Group / Club or Registered Charity (includes Churches and School P&Cs)" on page 1

Please tell us about the outcomes you expect to result from your project. Outcomes are the changes you expect to occur for the beneficiaries (direct, indirect and/or intermediaries) of your project. Generally, outcomes can be framed as an increase or decrease in one or more of the following:

  • Skills, knowledge, confidence, aspiration, motivation (these are generally immediate or short-term outcomes)
  • Actions, behaviour, change in policy (these are generally intermediate or medium-term outcomes)
  • Social, financial, environmental, physical conditions (these are generally long-term outcomes)

Immediate outcomes occur directly following an activity (e.g. within 1 month); medium-term outcomes are those that fall between the short and long-term outcomes (e.g. between 1 month and 2 years); and long-term outcomes are those we expect to see years later (e.g. 2, 5, 10 or 50 years after the activity).

2.7 Alignment with our outcomes
Which of our outcomes will your project contribute to? If multiple apply pick the most relevant.
 * Required

Must be at least 1 rows

Our metrics (Not Applicable)

This section is not applicable because of your response to question: "1.1 Is the applicant a Not-for-Profit organisation / Group / Club or Registered Charity (includes Churches and School P&Cs)" on page 1

A metric is a measurement designed to indicate whether or not progress towards an outcome is occurring, and quantify the extent to which it is occurring. Here we would like you tell us which of our quantitative metrics you may be able to report on.

2.8 MetricTargetCollection methodExplanatory notes
Which of our metrics will you track? You will be required to report on your progress. Add more rows if you want to list additional metrics.
Must be a number. Identify a target for the metric you have chosen - an estimated total for your project.
How will you collect and verify the data? E.g. survey, interviews/case studies, focus groups, administrative data (e.g. case management data), observation/estimation, government or public dataset (e.g. Census), other datasets.
Add notes if you need to provide more context.
 * Required
 * Required
 * Required
Word count:
 * Required
Word count:
Word count:
Word count:
Word count:
Word count:

Must be at least 1 rows

This section is not applicable because of your response to question: "1.1 Is the applicant a Not-for-Profit organisation / Group / Club or Registered Charity (includes Churches and School P&Cs)" on page 1

2.9 Project Dates

Projects must not start until after funding has been approved. 

If funding is approved, the project must be completed within 12 months of the funding approval date.

The funding approval date will generally occur within four (4) weeks of the application submission date.

If your project is an event, this is the date of your event or the first day of your event if being held over more than 1 day.
If your project is an event, this is the date of your event or the last day of your event if being held over more than 1 day. If successful, an Acquittal will be due one month after this date (but no later than 12 months from the funding approval date)

This section is not applicable because of your response to question: "1.1 Is the applicant a Not-for-Profit organisation / Group / Club or Registered Charity (includes Churches and School P&Cs)" on page 1

If purchasing equipment, where will the equipment be stored?
2.11 Which Council Division will the project be held in? * Required
Response required.
If purchasing equipment, where will the equipment be stored? PLEASE NOTE: Projects / Events must be conducted within the Ipswich LGA to be eligible for funding.

Not sure which division the project will be held in?

Find out on the Electoral Commission of Queensland website (go to the webpage and type in the event address).

2.12 Is your project being held in a Council park or property? * Required

This section is not applicable because of your response to question: "2.12 Is your project being held in a Council park or property?" on page 1

Attach a file: Select stored file

    If you are planning an event in a Council park, reserve or facility you will need to apply for a permit or licence. Some other events may also require an additional permit or licence, e.g a Temporary Entertainment Event Licence (or TEEL). Please refer to permit and licence requirements or contact ICC Applications on 3810 6666 for further assistance.

    Risk Management Form (Not Applicable)

    This section is not applicable because of your response to question: "1.1 Is the applicant a Not-for-Profit organisation / Group / Club or Registered Charity (includes Churches and School P&Cs)" on page 1

    2.13 Do you have a Risk Management Form for your project? * Required

    PLEASE NOTE: You are not required to provide a copy of your Risk Management Form on this application, however you may need to provide one if you are required to apply for any type of Permit or Licence for your project / event.

    Please refer to the following links for information which will assist your organisation to develop a risk management plan, including pre-populated checklists.

    Volunteer Now - Risk Management Templates

    Our Community - Risk Management Help for Not for-Profits